Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Why this Election Matters

Hello everybody. I come to  you today on a very important and vital day for our country. Today we must make a choice and decide on which direction we want this country to go. We must also choose which leader we believe will lead us in the direction we seek. Today is election day. It's something every American should look forward to and should be passionate about. You have a voice. You must not be afraid to use it. I firmly believe that if you do not vote, you do not matter. I can't stand when people do nothing but bitch, moan and complain about the direction of this country when they didn't get their behinds in the ballot box. You can't have it both ways. You don't like something,its up to you to change it. Now you may say I'm just one person. I won't matter. With an attitude like that, I feel sorry for you because you will never get very far in life. You may be one person but if you have passion and commitment to a cause and you use those to raise your voice, you will create change. You can make a difference. I don't want you to vote because I said so. I want you to vote because it is your birthright. I want you to vote because of all the blood, sweat and tears that many generations before us shed. I want you to vote because of the courageous men and women who have fought for our continued freedom in order to walk to the ballot box and choose our representatives. I want you to vote for them. Now, with that out of the way, I have to be honest and tell you that I hope that you vote for the best man for the job of the office of president: Barack Obama. I'll be blunt. I don't like Mitt Romney. I don't trust him. He panders to whomever he thinks he needs to pander to at the moment. He's like that guy who will tell agree with you that the sky is blue. Then he comes along to me and I tell him the sky is orange and he agrees with me. Then he goes to my neighbor who tells him the sky is purple with pink polka dots and he agrees with that. The man is a flip flopper extradanoire. He is committed to nothing except winning the office of Presidency. I don't believe he even wants the job to lead or help this country out. I think he wants it because its that shiny new car he sees in the showroom that he just has to have because he feels entitled to it. He doesn't care about us regular folks. I don't just think this, I know this. How? Because he said so himself. In that now infamous videotape he tells those financial backers that forty seven percent of the people he would be leading if he was in fact elected are lazy, worthless bums who sit around using government money needlessly and have no personal responsibility at all. He doesn't care about those people. And he has contempt for them. Don't take my word for it. Take his. In the words of Maya Angelou, when someone shows you who they are the first time-believe them. I believe Mitt. There is another saying that says character is who you are when you think nobody is watching.  Once again, I believe this is the real Mitt. He revealed himself to me and many many others. Don't deny it. Don't spin it. Just believe it. The bible tells us that we shall know them by their fruits. Mitt's fruit is rotten to the core. That's the truth. I don't just not like Mitt Romney because he's rich or because he's a Republican. I don't like him because he cannot be trusted at all and he is not fit to be the leader of this country. He has proven this by his many actions and many words. Yes, I do admit I love and support Barack Obama. He has done many things I agree with and am proud of, most notably he signed the Lily Ledbetter act into law which made it a crime to not give women equal pay for equal work, he repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell the awful discriminatory policy of the military which made soldiers keep a part of themselves secret even though they were fighting for everyone's freedom, he gave the order to take out Osama Bin Laden a mission ten years in the making that evaded and eluded the George Bush admininstration for almost all of its tenure, and he stood up for marriage equality by stating in no uncertain terms that gay people have the rights to the very same marriages as straight people. This man has done so much for this country and has moved us forward. If Mitt Romney is elected, he will not only erase all that progress we have made in the past four years, he will take us back to the days where women are slaves to men. He wants women to have to carry their rapists baby. He wants to take away a woman's fundamental right to choose what happens to her body. He wants women to be treated unfairly in the workforce. He wants gays and lesbians to be outcast and not be allowed to have the same fundamental rights as straights. He wants this country to go back to a place that many generations before us bled and died to eradicate for us and our future. We cannot go back to that place. We can't. I know maybe you think I'm being way too melodramatic but I am not. I fear where this country is headed if Mitt Romney gets elected. That's quite honestly my greatest nightmare and its a place I don't think I want to be. I love this country. I love it so much that if Romney somehow is elected, I will cry hysterically at the scenario. Mitt Romney being elected is the worst thing that happen to this country. Period. And if he is, and we get put back in the dark ages in America, well congratultions go out to the Republicans for building that. A place I will no longer be proud to call my home.

This is my opinion. You are more than welcome to disagree. That's what makes America great.
Until next time

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