I don't know if I have stated before just how big a fan of Michael Jackson I am but I will do it now for sure. I love him. He inspires me so much and has helped changed my life in so many profound ways. He was the most beautiful, amazing, incredible man with the most beautiful soul. I feel so privileged and honored to have been able to share the world with him for a little bit, even if we never met. To live in the same time as he did is a total blessing to me. Any future children I have will listen to his music, will understand his philantrophy and his message, and will be introduced to his incredible legacy. That brings me to the point of this blog. Michael Jackson's legacy. And yes, his legacy as a musical icon and legendary status is unquestioned and irrevocable. That will not change. The man was the greatest entertainer and performer of my lifetime and another like him will come along again never. But there is another part of his legacy that I want to help repair. I want to vindicate him of these false allegations which has led to false labelling, false judgments and has destroyed a large part of his legacy unfairly and unjustly. Martin Luther King Jr. once said "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" and he was right. If somebody somewhere has been mistreated and had injustice committed against them, it affects the rest of the world and threatens justice worldwide. I bring this up because many people ask why keep harping on MJ? He's dead, he won't be able to come back, just let it go. Well, here's the thing. I won't let it go. I can't let it go for the principle of the matter. Truth matters. Justice matters. And just because somebody dies doesn't mean we just forget about the injustice that was done to them. We can't just turn our heads and walk away and shrug our shoulders as if it no longer matters what the truth of the situation was. MJ was an incredible, generous, compassionate human being who was constantly being used and manipulated by people who surrounded him. Whenever they looked at Michael, they saw dollar signs-not a beautiful man with a beautiful soul. And because of this, a grave injustice occurred. He was robbed. Of many things, but mostly his dignity and his honor. People now looked at him with suspicion, with shame, with disgust and with disdain. And he didn't deserve it. There are many facts out there that lead to the truth if people are interested and open minded enough to find it. And there is far more to Michael Jackson the man than the myth and the caricature the media portrayed him to be. I am above all else in life, a justice and truth seeker. I want to know the truth and I will not stop seeking it simply because somebody who I feel has been dealt injustice is no longer here to see the day the truth comes out. The thing about the truth is its absolute and its undeniable and unequivocal. You can try to hide it, suppress it, deny it or manipulate it but, as Buddha says three things will always rise-the sun, the moon and the truth. The truth is like our shadow. It follows us wherever we go. We cannot out run it. Wherever we go, it goes as well. I look back throughout history and I see tons of injustice served on many people. How many men have been executed only to later be exonerated by evidence? Why bother as some say? Because to that person's family, it means everything that though he is no longer with them, they could at least clear up his good name and bring some type of justice to his memory. The truth is the truth-always. Even if it takes decades to come out, it will prevail. And to Michael Jackson's family and to all those who love him as I do, his innocence of any wrong doing coming out so he can be fully and completely vindicated matters as much now as it did while he was alive. He may not be here to see the day when it happens, but that doesn't mean that day shouldn't happen now. That doesn't mean we should give up the fight and let it go and move on. In fact, it means we need to fight even harder for justice and for vindication. He can no longer fight for himself so it's up to us to see this through. I compare it to seeing somebody bullied on the playground but nobody believes the one being bullied. You know they were bullied but the bullies lie and manipulate and use misinformation to turn the tables and make the victim seem like the perpetrator. Now this is a grave injustice that must be overturned and reversed for the sake of not only the victim of it but for the rest of society. We must overcome injustices done to people. It may not be popular and we will be hit with resistance from many people who don't want to see the truth come out for fear that they were wrong about it from the start. The road is long and full of challenges. It won't be easy. But anything worth having is never easy. And restoring Michael Jackson's legacy to eradicate the injustice done to him is worth it. The reward is knowing that a wrong has been righted. Whether that happens today, tomorrow, next year or fifty years from now, it still matters. I won't let it go just because he's dead now and nothing will change that fact. I know we can't bring him back to life. That's not what this is about. It's simply about seeking the justice that eluded him during the last years of his life so that one day his children can have the satisfaction of knowing that the truth has set their father free-completely and totally. So, those of you who ask this question, there's your answer. I am sure you guys who ask this are the ones who believe the myth and the lies perpetuated against him by the media. I am sure you all don't want the truth to be revealed for having to face yourselves in the mirror and know that you had a part in the crucifixion of an innocent man. You have to live with the knowledge that you too share in the soul murder of this extraordinary human being. You have to see in your eyes the reality that you have some of his blood on your hands. I understand your plight. You want to run away and put your head in the sand and ignore these facts. You want to escape the inevitability of the truth because you can't handle the truth. But once again I say the truth will prevail in the end. It always does. Whether you want it to or not, it will rise to the surface and all the lies will be destroyed eventually. And that is why those of us who continue to pursue justice and truth for Michael Jackson will not relent and will not let it go nor will we ever move on. It is our responsibility to right this wrong and to turn the tide of manipulation around. We shall overcome all of the naysayers and the doubters and the cynics some day. Because lies only run sprints, whereas the truth runs marathons.
Proud and dedicated fan of Michael Joseph Jackson who will never stop fighting to restore his legacy
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