Hello everyone!!!! I hope all is well with you guys as everything is going fine in my corner of the world. I could complain...but it wouldn't help any so I won't. This week has already been hectic.......and its only Monday!! Judging by the way things went today, it is going to be one very very very LONG week. Yay!! That totally excites me to no end (inserting heavy sarcasm here since you can't actually hear me say this). I don't have a problem with work usually. I just don't like when it gets beyond crazy and wild, like what happened tonight. I prefer busy, not fucking CHAOTIC!!!! ARGH! (and here I said I wasn't going to complain.oh well, I guess I lied.) But anyway, enough of that. What I want to talk about today is my favorite word. I love English and I love reading because it expands your mind and it increases your vocabulary. I know lots and lots of words, and I have lots that I adore and love. But none of them do I love as much as the word fuck. Yes, that is what I said. I love the word fuck. It is the most awesome word ever invented and I for one never get tired of saying it or hearing it. I know what you are thinking. I must be nuts to think that a curse word is the best word ever made or that I think of it as my favorite, but it is true. And in the next few minutes, I will explain to you just exactly why I adore the word so fucking much (heehee, sorry I can't resist that).
So, why would I feel that the word fuck is so damn amazing. Well, first of all, the versatility of the word is the most beautiful thing to witness. Fuck is literally the only word I can think of that can be used as any part of speech. It can be used as a verb as in fuck off or fuck you or fuck a duck. It can be used as an adjective as in that fucking prick or you are a fucking moron. It can also be used as an adverb as in that stupid fucking moron. Or of course it can be used as a noun as in the fuck-up isn't so bad. Admit it, there is not another word like it in the english language. Believe me, I know. I have checked this out and no other word can be thrown into so many sentences and still be grammatically correct.If you don't believe me, google it. You will find the true amazingness of this word then. The versatility of this word makes it unique and extraordinary. I think that being versatile is very important and for that very reason, the word fuck commands my respect and whomever invented this word is an absolute fucking genius (there I used it again).
Seriously, I love the word and I tend to use it a lot. I think I use it on a pretty regular basis no matter what the occasion. But if I get really angry, I will almost wear it out. What can I say? I fucking love to say fuck.
And some people would call it a vice of mine, and I can't say that I disagree if you go by what a vice is defined as. But I still love to say it and I don't really care that it is a vice or not. I don't think it is a vice because I don't think it is a bad word. Unfortunately, by today's standards, the use of the word fuck is not deemed to be appropriate or acceptable.It is one of the "bad" words we are taught not to say because it is offensive and foul. But, as usual, me being such a pain in the collective world's ass, I on't agree. I think it is just a word. A very descriptive and brilliant word. I get that it can be used to inflame, to degrade or offend. But so can nearly any other word in the dictionary. If I thought about it long enough, I could make any word become offensive based solely on how I used it and how I said it. So it is not the word itself that is offensive or inappropriate. It is how and when and where the word is used. I don't say the word around my mother (although if she reads this, I really am fucked-not the good kind either LOL) because it is just not something she would approve of.
And as much as I don't have a problem with saying it around people or not giving a fuck what most people think, I do respect my mother enough to not say it in front of her. However, she knows I say it and she has accepted that fact. So if my mother can accept it, I think the rest of the world will have to as well. I don't use it around young children either. I don't really think it is all that bad but I don't want to be the one they point at whenever the parents ask them where on earth they learned that word. But a big part of me thinks it should not be such a big deal to say. I don't know. I guess to me fuck is just not the worst thing I can say or do for that matter. I think if my child learned that word and said it, I would laugh at them and the only real problem I would have is if they used it wrong and made the sentence become erroneous. Is that wrong? I suspect this idea is not universally accepted or popular, but since when have I ever been one to conform or go with the popular choice. I feel the word is brilliant and should be used more. I also feel that people should not be so ashamed to say the word because really, who says it is bad? When did the word become a "bad" word? I just don't get the big deal about a word. It is context that I have a problem with. If I am around town and someone says hey there you fucking moron, I don't care that they used the f- word nearly as much as the fact they called me a moron. I think that is more offensive to me (or at least as offensive as I can ever deem anything considering I am pretty unoffendable) than the "foul" language. I don't find it foul language at all to say fuck or shit or hell or damn. They are words. And they can make for some pretty interesting combinations also. Sometimes I can't help but laugh when I hear somebody throw some of these words together to reem somebody out. I think it is pretty brilliant and ingenius of them. But hey, I am sure that is just me. Like usual, I am a rebel with a fucking foul mouth (heehee).
Until next time,
Best regards
So YOU'RE the one who sowed the little 'fuck' seed into my head until it grew into this big (fucking) monstrosity of a tree in my brain with all of these mental branches that somehow makes me want to stick that word into just about EVERYTHING lately! ;) I knew that it must be one of you NYC girls who was responsible, and now I know who to peg---and point at, with a pointy pointy pointing finger, and say...FUCK, it was YOU!!!
Seriously, though, it is strange, because that has never been a word that has rolled off of my tongue easily, despite 17 years of life in Queens---I can still hear my mother clicking her tongue at me and feel that disapproving stare every time it does slip out and that has always been a reason to reach for another word for the most part---so I was surprised when after a mere four days in NYC this last time around, I've come home and peppered many a conversation liberally with your favorite word. I didn't hear you say it a lot there, but it must have tip-toed its way mentally from you to me by osmosis anyway, because it just keeps sneaking out and taking me by surprise.
Fascinating! :)
While I have never been a fan of a movie that lays it on so thick into the dialogue just for shock value that it is blasting through the surround sound system approximately once every four seconds without reason, I think that when it used with a purpose---it can be quite the awesome word.
Fuckedupedness, (Florencia, tm) for example, remains THE BEST. THING. EVER. :) Has there ever been a more brilliant usage than that? I think not. ;)
It is always an interesting experience when one of my two year olds brings this word into my classroom, too, I have to say. I know it isn't supposed to be, but honestly? It never stops. being. shocking. And sometimes a little amusing. I know that I'm not supposed to act 'either one of these things,' so I try so hard to make it a lesson on 'words it isn't nice to say,' but it is awfully hard to hold back that lip twitch sometimes.
Anyway...I love learning all of these little things about you, Mel! Keep 'em coming, kiddo!